Wednesday, August 24, 2011


In the past, when asked what my hobbies are I haven't always been honest.  Some view my hobbies as childish, but you know what?  I don't care anymore.  I enjoy them and that's all that matters.  So here are a few of my hobbies:

1.  Reading.  Love it.  Especially sci-fi, paranormal romance and thrillers.  Some of my fav authors are Sherilyn Kenyon, Laurell K Hamilton, Nora Roberts, JD Robb etc.

2.  Movies.  Love em as well.  Sci-fi and horror especially but i won't say no to a good comedy.  Not so fond of drama's 'cause there's enough of that in life

3. Cooking.  I don't cook alot, because it's just me so when I do cook, I usually eat for days

4.  Lego's.  This started in childhood and has continued ever since. There's something about taking 1500 random pieces and making this:

(sorry on a harry potter kick right now :)

TV:  I have my favorite show that i like to watch.  There are too many to list here

So, what are your hobbies?

Hello there!

I originally started a blog about starting over at 40.  I've just recently retired from a rewarding career after 22 years and had no idea what I wanted to do next.  I still don't, for that matter, but I'm not stressing out about it (yet).  Everyone was always asking, what are you going to do now, what's next, etc. that I was starting to freak out.  It seemed to me that I should automatically know what I want to do next.  But here's the thing:  I don't know.  So I've decided not to stress about it.  I figure when I know, I'll know.  I don't have alot of money but if budgeted carefully, I'll be fine.  So we'll see where life leads me and hopefully you'll be here for the journey.  Bye!